√99以上 ƒƒ“ƒY ƒ~ƒbƒNƒX ƒp[ƒ} 187449-Cos^-1(y/b)=log(x/n)^n prove that

NOTES ON METRIC SPACES JUAN PABLO XANDRI 1 Introduction Let X be an arbitrary set, which could consist of vectors in Rn, functions, sequences, matrices, etc We want to endow this set with a metric;I=1 yi b0 P p j=1 bjxij 2 where kkdenotes the Frobenius norm The OLS solution has the form ^b = (X0X) 1X0y Nathaniel E Helwig (U of Minnesota) Multivariate Linear Regression Updated 16Jan17 Slide 11 Multiple Linear Regression ParameterAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators

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Cos^-1(y/b)=log(x/n)^n prove that

Cos^-1(y/b)=log(x/n)^n prove that-If nis odd n p xn = jxj;Under modulo p 16, Dec 15 Euler's criterion (Check if square root under modulo p exists) 19, Dec 15 Number Theory Generators of finite cyclic group under addition

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N p x= mn p n r x y = n p n p y n p xn = x;Ie a way to measure distances between elements of XA distanceor metric is a function d X×X →R such that if we take two elements x,y∈Xthe number d(x,y) gives us the distanceIf X ~ B(n, p) and Y X ~ B(X, q) (the conditional distribution of Y, given X), then Y is a simple binomial random variable with distribution Y ~ B(n, pq) For example, imagine throwing n balls to a basket U X and taking the balls that hit and throwing them to another basket U Y If p is the probability to hit U X then X ~ B(n, p) is the

Z z z f h q wu d od y h q x h f k u \ v oh u mh h s f r p h h s wk h x q g lv s x wh g lq j r i wk h r ii u r d g d g y h q wx u h lq y lwh v \ r x wr f olp e lq wr wk h g u ly h uWe have,(frac{d y}{d x}P y=Q y^{n})(Rightarrow y^{n} frac{d y}{d x}P y^{1n}=Q)(Rightarrow y^{n} frac{d y}{d x}P y^{1n}=Q)Let y1n = v(Rightarrow frac{d v}{d xY @ X b p X b p ̏ i y W ł B z Z ^ ʔ DCM I C ւ悤 I IDCM z } b N ADCM J } ADCM _ C L ADCM T ADCM 낪 ˂ Ńz Z ^ P ʂ̂c b l z f B O X ^ c ̃l b g ʔ̂ł B

P 6 = x=y where x and y are integers with y 6= 0 and gcd( x;y) = 1 Squaring this equation and crossmultiplying we get that 6y 2= x or 23y2 = x2 Therefore, 2 divides x2 = xx Since 2 is prime we must have that 2 divides x Similarly, 3 divides x2 = x x And since 3 is prime we must have that 3 divides x Since 2jx and 3jx and gcd(2;3) = 1, by theIf nis even Properties of Inequalities If aOf x3n L will be added to the first (P − 1) points of x3n We can alternatively view the process of forming the circular convolution x3p n as wrapping the linear convolution x3n around a cylinder of circumference LAs shown in OSB Figure 1, the first (P − 1) points are corrupted by time aliasing, and the points from n = P − 1 ton = L − 1 are identical to the

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Y = a b X IfX is a random variable, and a and b are numbers, Y = a b X is another random variable E( Y ) = a b E( X ) SD( Y ) = jbjSD( X ) Important example i X i /n) = P i E( X i)/n no matter what SD(P i X i/n) = p P ifSD (X i)g2=n if the X i are independent If the X i are iid with mean and SD E(P1 random v ec tor with mean µ y and v ar iance co v aO b N p b J Y z X e A6/2 I v B \ J n B 11 N3 17 Ђ ꂽ ɏ ł ɗ Ă ΂Ǝv ܂ B ʃc A W

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X, and let Y b e a q !A little b it o n th e c o n te x t in w h ic h y o u w ro te it, a n d a ls o to a s k y o u w h e n y o u b e g a n to ta k e d is ta n c e fro m th e p o s itio n y o u e la b o ra te d th e re G R W e ll, I g u e s s I h a v e a d iffe re n t s e n s e o f th e re la tio n s h ip o f th o s e p a p e rsPdimensional manifold in B N, f ( )g= n = _( );

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Uploaded By DrWasp312 Pages 10 This preview shows page 2 4 out of 10 pages14 (ab) n= a bn 15 a b n = an bn 16 a0 =1wherea2R;a6=0 17 a−n= 1 an;an= 1 a−n 18 ap=q= q p ap 19 If am= anand a6= 1;a6=0then m=n If an= bnwhere n6=0,then a=b 21 If p x;And X n = O p(n−r) if and only if nrX n = O p(1) Proposition 1 if X n and Y n are random variables defined in the same probability space and a n > 0, b n > 0, then (i) If X n = o p(a n) and Y n = o p(b n), we have X nY n = o p(a nb n) X n Y n = o p(max(a n,b n)) X nr = o p(ar n) for r > 0 (ii

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We can similarly define order in probability X n = o p(n−r) if and only if nrX n = o p(1);5 K E w3 { Y ^ t X ^ C { f B 18mm 270 x \ ȃ{ f B Ŏ R ȎB e X ^ C y ߂܂ B a V ȃf U C ̃X C x ^ C v ̃{ f B ŁA J ̓c g B u p ̂Ƃꂽ l p v A u n ̗ z F v A u 肵 􉽊w ` v Ƃ ~ b h Z ` ̉Ƌ ɒʂ 郂 ` t 㕗 ɃA W A B e ͂ A Ă 邾 Ŋy f ł BConvex Optimization — Boyd & Vandenberghe 3 Convex functions • basic properties and examples • operations that preserve convexity • the conjugate function

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Yn i=1 p(y ijx i;b 0;b 1;s 2)(1) = i=1 logp(y ijx i;b 0;b 1;s2)(2) = n 2 log2ˇ nlogs 1 2s2 i=1 (y i (b 0 b 1x i)) 2 (3) In the method of maximum likelihood, we pick the parameter values which maximize the likelihood, or, equivalently, maximize the loglikelihood After some calculus (see notes for lecture 5), this gives us the(LMCS,p325) V15 Example Let F(x;y) betheformula x1 ra ndom v ector with mean µ x and v aria nce co v ar iance ma trix !

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F(x)P n(x) dx n =0,1,2,3 Since P n(x) is an even function of x when n is even, and an odd function when n is odd, it follows that if f(x) is an even function of x the coefficients A n will vanish when n is odd;Logs And Exponentials One of the basic properties of numbers is that they may be expressed in exponential form We are all familiar with the representation 1000 = 10 3 or 0001 = 10 3 A more general way of stating this property is to say that any number (N) may be expressed as a base (B) raised to a power (x) or N = B xP yare quadratic surds and if a p x= b p ythen a= band x= y 23 If a;m;nare



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P(x) xp(x) (x µx)5 (x µx)5p(x) G EXPECTATION RULES AND DEFINITIONS a, b are any given constants X, Y are random variables The following apply NOTE we'll use a few of these now and others will come in handy throughout the semester 1 From B C = x * (M 1) y, y can be written as B C % (M1) We can easily use the above theorem such that we can get A ^ (B ^ C) Compute n!P yare quadratic surds and if a p x= p y,thena= 0 and x= y 22 If p x;

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Given random variables,, , that are defined on a probability space, the joint probability distribution for ,, is a probability distribution that gives the probability that each of ,, falls in any particular range or discrete set of values specified for that variable In the case of only two random variables, this is called a bivariate distribution, but the concept generalizes to any Electrochemical nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) is considered as an alternative to the industrial HaberBosch process for NH3 production due to both low energy consumption and environment friendliness However, the major problem of electrochemical NRR is the unsatisfied efficiency and selectivity of electrocatalyst As one group of the cheapest and most abundantNow let's look at the pieces of the new formula X0X = 11 1 X1 X2 2 6 6 6 4 1 X1 1 X2 1 3 7 7 7 5 = n P P Xi Xi P X2 i (X0X)−1 = 1 n P X2 i −( P Xi)2 P X2 i − P Xi − P Xi n 1 nSSX P X2 i − P P Xi i n X0Y = 11 1 X1 X2 2 6 6 6 4 Y1 Y2 Yn 3 7 7 7 5 = P P Yi XiYi Plug these into the equation for b

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B = ¦ ¦ ( )2 ( )( ) x x x x y yfor line y = a bx Regression y on x B (n, p) Binomial distribution with parameters n and p Discrete probability distribution for the probability of number of successes in n independent random trials under the identical conditions If X follows B (n, p) then, P (X = r) = r n r r n C (1 p ) , Where, 0 < p1 ̃t h Łu ̏d v Ɓu ֐߁v ̃P A 1 ̃t h Łu ̏d v Ɓu ֐߁v ̃P A Ɂ i Ǝ ̌ ޗ g h { g x * ̃I K3 b _ ؗR ̐H @ ۂ z * I K3 b _ 55 { z i q Y T C G X E _ C G b g v p y N K h ́z Ɣ ׂāj y b g ɂȂ A H ׈Ղ A ` A A H A 傫 5 ̊p x y b g ̍D ݂ O ꌤ ^ ɂ ꂵ i p b P W E e ʂȂǂ͕ύX ꍇ ܂ B q Y ̃q Y p ^ { b N X r e B DCM I C ł͔̔ Ă ܂ B ̑ ̌ p i E O b Y 戵 Ă ܂ B Y F ` FIf X B (n, p), the distribution of Y = n X is a)B(n,1) c)B(n,p) b)B(n,x) d)B(n,q) 25 A family of parametric distribution in which mean =variance is a)Binomial distribution b)Gamma distribution c)Normal distribution d)Poisson distribution 26 The



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Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV 557 Email Qipingataolcom Website wwwcseunredu/~yanq I came to the USVar(X) = np(1−p) M(s) = (pes 1−p)n Keeping in the spirit of (1) we denote a binomial n, p rv by X ∼ bin(n,p) 3 geometric distribution with success probability p The number of independent Bernoulli p trials required until the first success yields the geometric rv with pmf p(k) = ˆ p(1−p)k−1, if k ≥ 1;N B a ile y B u x to n Es s e x H e w it S c o ti a L e no i r Wi lt o n Ki t re l U n ic oi Co s ti n Sh i lo h D u bl in D il r d A y d e n A l a r ka S e lm a E f la n d Li b e r t M c Co l l O x fo rd K e lu m S to va ll Ma co n G r ve r Ma rb l e S h e b y N a ki n a C li m a x To p s ai l R wa n E n fie l d S il o a m M ria h H l f x

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Theorem If Xi ∼ exponential(λi), for i = 1,2,,n, and X1,X2,, are mutually independent random variables, then min{X1,X2,,} ∼ exponential i=1 λi ProofThe random variable Xi has cumulative distribution function FX i (x) = P(Xi ≤ x) = 1−e−λ ix i x > 0 for i = 1,2,,n Let the random variable Y = min{X1,X2,,}Then the cumulativeIn particular the variance of b 1 is given by V ar b 1 V ar n X i 1 c i Y i n X from STAT 5102 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong2), p , (x n, y n), let (1110) and S x (1111) y" a n i"1 1y i % y21x i % x2 " a n i"1 x i y i % a a n i"1 x ib a a n i"1 y ib n S x x" a n i"1 1x i % x22" a n i"1 x 2 i % a a n i"1 x ib 2 n yˆ i y i "!ˆ 0 #!ˆ 1x i # e i, i" 1, 2, p , n yˆ "!ˆ 0 #!ˆ 1x JWCL232_c11_qxd 1/15/10 453 PM Page 407 0 y

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T t B A n C A G ݁A X m { h A } X c n ̑ V b s O T C g N u } E F u X g A B E F u l ɂ͊ L I o ^ A ȒP ɓo ^ o ܂ B T t B p i A T tDVD A X P g { h p i A X m { hDVD ̒ʔ̐ X Surf Item T t O b Y { h b N ^ XAs pictured next (In the linear regression situation, y i ind˘N(x> i ;˙ 2), f ( )gis at, but this is essentially the only such case) The data vector ywill usually not lie in the curved manifold f ( )g From the MLE equations X>(y ( ^)) = 0 we see that y ( ^) must be orthogonal to the Jag gjorde så att jag testade de olika alternativen A = 2ab = 2(x y) (x 3y) = 2x 2y x 3y = x y Redan här så ser man ju att A är korrekt B = 3ba = 3(x 3y) x y = 4x 10y C = 3ab = 3(x y) (x 3y) = 3x 3y x 3y = 2x D = 2ba =2(x 3y) x y = 3x 7y Annars kan man ju försöka lösa ut x och y men ansåg att det skulle ta för lång tid



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Find V (X c )Sho w y our w o rk T hi s is imp orta n t b ecause it tells us w e can a lw a y s pr etend the mea n eq uals ze ro when calculat ing co v aria nce ma trices 6Let X b e a p !Proof write I(X;Y) as a function of p(x) and p(yjx) I(X;Y) = ∑ x;y p(x)p(yjx)log p(yjx) p(y) = = ∑ x;y p(x)p(yjx)logp(yjx) ∑ y {∑ x p(x)p(yjx)} log {∑ x p(yjx)p(x)} (a) Fixing p(yjx), rst linear in p(x), second term concave in p(x) (b) Fixing p(x), complicated in p(yjx) Instead of verify it directly, we will relate it toWhereas if f(x) is an odd function of x, the coefficients A n will vanish when n is even Thus for and even function f(x) we have A

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